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Resources for you to explore

    1. Having a Map Matters

    2. Hyporesponse - the hidden challenge in coping with stress

    3. Widening the Map of Hypo-states: A Methodology to Modify Muscular Hyporesponse and Support Regulation of Autonomic Nervous System Arousal

    4. Differentiating low energy states related to stress by Merete Holm Brantbjerg (2014) - The article builds on a workshop at the EABP conference, 2014. It differentiates between 3 states: Natural tiredness, hyporesponse in muscles and hypoarousal in the ANS

    5. “Sitting on the edge of an abyss together”

    6. Developing Relational Trauma Therapy - From the Breakdown of the “Running Technique” to a New Trauma Methodology

    1. A gentle exploration of stress. This is a great resource for the general public and for clients

    2. A gentle, resource-oriented approach to stress and trauma. For therapists.

    3. Hyporesponse a hidden challenge in coping with stress and trauma Merete Holm Brantbjerg

    4. Supporting sustainable Change

    5. What Sustains Me ?

    6. Establishing a relationship to hypo-arousal (on Youtube)

    1. 'The art of dosing', an aspect of working with hypo-arousal with Merete Holm Brantbjerg, 2022

    2. 'Having a map matters', an aspect of working with hypo-arousal with Merete Holm Brantbjerg, 2022

    3. Podcasts about work with hypo-states - 2020

    4. Podcast about Merete’s work and trauma in general, part of a series of Embodiment podcasts connected to The Embodiment Conference 2020.

    1. Relational Trauma Therapy | The Website

    2. About Kolbjørn Vårdal and My body Says

    3. 3 free articles by Merete Holm Brantbjerg published in the journal: Body, Movement and Dance in Psychotherapy.

    1. Merete’s comments on the visual landscape on this platform - her digital art pictures

About this course

  • Free
  • 20 lessons
  • 1.5 hours of video content